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Office of Intercollegiate Services


Q. How do I check my College's Student records?

CamCORS Student data are updated daily from CamSIS.  The student data held in CamCORS are:

  • Student names
  • Student status, ie away, visitor, year group
  • Student Tripos Part and Academic Year

To check the data:

  1. Go to Users > Students to view the data held in CamCORS.
  2. If anything is incorrect then it must be updated in CamSIS.
  3. If CamCORS is not showing the correct data after it has been corrected in CamSIS contact the CamCORS helpdesk.

Q. How do I check my College's Student advisor records?

CamCORS Student Advisors (Directors of Studies and Tutors) are updated daily from CamSIS.  Temporary Advisors, eg maternity cover, should be added to CamSIS.

  1. Go to Users > Students to view the data held in CamCORS.
  2. If anything is incorrect then it must be updated in CamSIS.
  3. If CamCORS is not showing the correct data after it has been corrected in CamSIS contact the CamCORS helpdesk

Q. Why can't I update our student details in CamCORS?

CamSIS is the authoritative source of all student data, so all changes must be made in CamSIS.  Changes should be reflected in CamCORS within 24 hours.

If you have any problems with changes not showing in CamCORS contact

Q. Why can I not see exchange students in CamCORS?

For a student to appear in CamCORS they need to have an academic sub-plan in CamSIS. If an exchange student isn't appearing in CamCORS it is likely that they do not have an academic sub-plan.

Inform your Tutorial office that these students need to have a sub-plan added to their CamSIS records. A common sub-plan is <subject code>00 (students not entered for examination). 

Q. Why are Tutors/DoS missing on supervision reports?

If a DoS or Tutor is missing from a supervision report, it is likely that they have been removed as the academic advisor for the student for the year of the report.

CamCORS preserves the academic and advisor data of past academic years. So, changes, made now, in CamSIS affecting 2023-2024 data would be ignored by CamCORS. CamCORS would keep its data as it was in August 2024 (academic year 2023-2024).

Changes made now, in CamSIS, affecting 2024-2025 data will be adopted by CamCORS. CamCORS will update its data to “reflect” the 2024-2025 data in CamSIS. This is the case for any change made before 01 September 2025 affecting 2024-2025 data. After 31 August 2025, changes in CamSIS, will affect 2025-2026 data in CamCORS.

If advisor details are missing it is likely that they were removed before 31st August of the relevant year, therefore affecting the current academic year instead of the next one.