Q. Who do I contact about my payments?
Payments are made by the student's College. Please contact the College about your payment for any claim.
A link to the College can be found on every Report and on the Lookup > College Information page. This page also has links to webpages with College specific information for Supervisors.
Q. What are the payment rates?
The Intercollegiate Re-charge Rates are shown in Lookup > Payment Rates. Rates are held for every Academic Year and Term and are updated by the CamCORS helpdesk. Colleges may apply uplifts for some categories of Supervisor in their payment systems.
Q. How do I update my bank account details?
Make sure you are logged in with your Supervisor Role. In Settings > Personal Details go to the Bank details section to update your bank account. You will need to enter your IBAN number which is shown on your bank statement.
Make sure you click on ‘Save changes’!
Q. How do I update my home address?
Make sure you are logged in with your Supervisor Role. In Settings > Personal Details go to the Tax details section to update your home address.
Make sure you click on ‘Save changes’!
Q. How do I access payment information after my account is closed?
If you want to have access to any payment records after you no longer have a Supervisor account you should download them before your account expires.
Q. Why can't I be paid direct?
A College may have removed this option when they Approved your application for a Supervisor account. This may have been because you had a student visa, for example.
If your circumstances have changed you should register again. You can do this in Settings > Personal Details. Go to the Registration section and click on ‘Re-apply’.
Q. How do I get paid to a foreign bank account?
You cannot usually be paid to a foreign bank account. You will need to contact the paying College to ask if this is possible.
Q. How do I get evidence of my teaching for a job I am applying for?
Go to my CamCORS > Teaching evidence.
Q. I am no longer on my College’s payroll/I have left my College, what should I do?
You should apply for a new Supervisor account. Go to Settings > Personal Details, Registration section and click on ‘Re-apply’.
Q. I have recently been put on a College payroll but it doesn’t appear as one of my payment options. What should I do?
You should apply for a new Supervisor account. Go to Settings > Personal Details, Registration section and click on ‘Re-apply’.
Q. How do I see the payments I am expecting?
Payments are not made from CamCORS so it is unable to show you when payments are made. Claim data is marked at Exported when it is transferred to a College’s payment system and this is shown by the Claim Status in CamCORS.
In Home > Payments or Payments you can see all expected payments (those made directly by BACS or via a College payroll) and their Status. The data can be downloaded in either PDF or CSV format.
If a College has set up a webpage with information about deadlines and payment dates there will be a link to it on this page.
Q. How do I download claims so that they can be paid?
A Finance Officer can download files of claims for payment.
To download CSV files go to Home > Manage Payments or Payments > Manage Payment Data.
If any Claims have been Approved but not yet Exported you can click on ‘Download approved claims’. This will mark the Claims as Exported and produce a CSV file for each Claim Type.
If you want to download claims that have already been Exported you can filter on the dates they were Exported and click on ‘Download exported claims’. This will also produce a CSV file for each Claim Type.
Q. How do I find out what payments are due from other Colleges?
A Finance Officer can download files of payments due or view payments due.
To download CSV files go to Home > Payments Due or Payments > Payments Due Download. This page provides the CSV files in the same format as produced from v6. Files are produced for each Claim Type.
To view payments due go to Payments > Payments from Colleges. On this page you can filter on the dates Claims were submitted, the paying College, Supervisor, Term and State. This page should help when dealing with queries from Supervisors, for example.
Q. Am I eligible for an initial payment?
New supervisors who have registered in the 2024-2025 academic year and have at least one exported supervision report (excluding non-supervision reports and general claims) are eligible for the one-time initial payment.
Q. When do I receive my initial payment?
Initial payments for eligible supervisors are generated on the 20th of January, April, July and October. You will receive one payment, based on the date of your first exported supervision report. The payment will be made shortly after the generation date by the Office of Intercollegiate Services. Your initial payment will appear under General claims.