Q. Activity
An activity that a Non-supervision Report can be written for. The activities available are:
- Study Skills
- Foreign Language Skills (non-Tripos)
- English Language Skills
Q. Category
A category for which a General Claim can be made eg Invigilation
Q. Claim
Any Supervision Report, Non-supervision Report, or General Claim created in CamCORS.
Q. Claimant
A person who is making a claim for payment from your College. They require the Supervisor Role.
Q. Claim State
A Report or Claim transitions through several distinct states in CamCORS. The Claim States are:
- Draft
- Returned
- Submitted
- Approved
- Refused
- Exported
Q. Claim Type
The Claim Types are:
- Supervision Report
- Non-supervision Report
- General Claim
Q. Course
A Course consists of Tripos Parts and Papers. Course Directors and Course Co-ordinators can see Supervision Reports based on their Courses.
Q. General Claim
Claim for work that is not related directly to a Student. For example, invigilation, marking, etc.
Q. Payment Option
The way in which a Supervisor elects, or is allowed, to be paid. For example, Direct payment or Via payroll.
Q. Report
A Report provides feedback on a Student to their College. It also provides the information required to pay the Supervisor. There are two types of Report, Supervision and Non-supervision.
Q. Supervision Report
Report on a Student given classes for Tripos-related teaching.
Q. Non-supervision Report
Report on a Student given classes for skills-related teaching.
Q. Role
A User always acts under a specific Role and Institution. The Role and Institution determine what they can do and for which Students.