Q. What should I check on the reports?
Make sure feedback is reasonable and hours/costs are correct. Check for Academic Concern and the number of missed sessions.
If anything is not right you can Return the Report to the Supervisor with comments on what needs to be changed.
Q. How do I approve submitted reports?
Submitted Reports can be Approved for payment, Refused (will not be paid) or Returned to the Supervisor for correction and resubmission.
Go to Home > Submitted Reports to see all Reports, for which you are responsible, that are in the Submitted State.
Click on the view icon and click on one of the decision buttons at the bottom of the Report. You can enter comments on the Report which can either be visible to the Student or the Supervisor, or both. For example, if you are Returning a Report you might enter a comment for the Supervisor to explain why, or you may enter a comment for the Student on their progress.
You can Release Reports individually by ticking the Released box on the Report, or you can Release a batch of Reports on the Submitted Reports page. You can also Unrelease Reports, if necessary, in the same way.
Q. How do students get to see their reports?
Students can see a list of all their Reports but they can only see the Report detail when they have been Released. They will get an email informing them when Reports are Released.
You can Release Reports individually by ticking the Released box on the Report, or you can Release a batch of Reports on the Submitted Reports page. You can also Unrelease Reports, if necessary, in the same way.
Q. How do I change a decision I made on a Report?
You can undo your decision if you Approved or Refused a Report and it has not yet been Exported. You cannot undo your decision if you Returned it to the Supervisor.
If you haven’t left the Submitted Reports page you can undo your decision on the Report by clicking the ‘Undo’ button.
If you have left the Submitted Reports page then you need to go to the Report Search page, find and open the Report, then click the ‘Undo’ button. The Report will go back to the Submitted State and you will be able to Approve, Refuse or Return it.
Q. How do I release reports?
You can release Reports individually and in batch on both the Submitted Reports and Report Search pages.